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As a Cambridge real estate agent, the city squares of Cambridge, Somerville and Medford and the town centers of Arlington, Watertown and Belmont, Massachusetts are my home turf. And as a lifelong New Englander who’s lived within twenty miles of Boston most of my life, I can introduce you to other nearby towns as we search for your new home. If you’re planning to sell your home in Cambridge, MA or nearby you’ll find plenty of info about the home selling process here too. Questions? Send me an email or call me at 617-504-1737.

Community Gardens In Cambridge

Community Gardening in CambridgeWinter’s coming to an end and soon it will be time to think about gardening. Perhaps you’ve been dreaming about the vegetables you could grow. Or maybe you hope to fill your home with flowers that don’t come from the store. 

Where Can I Find a Community Garden?

If you live in Cambridge, MA and don’t have a garden plot to call your own – don’ t despair.  Cambridge has thirteen community gardens spread across the city and preference is given to those who don’t have access to land for gardening.  There does seem to be more demand than available plots, however, and a  lottery system is used to assign plots to prospective gardeners.

Community Gardens in Cambridge, Massachusetts

North Cambridge Community Gardens

Whittemore Avenue Garden – Whittemore Ave. & Magoun Street
McMath Park Community Garden – Pemberton Street
Corcoran Park Community Garden – Walden Street

West Cambridge Community Gardens

William G. Maher Park Community Garden – 650 Concord Ave. at Neville Manor
Fresh Pond Reservation / Parkway Garden – Fresh Pond Parkway

Community Garden in the Agassiz Neighborhood

Sacramento Street Community Garden – Sacramento Street

Riverside Community Gardens

Field of Dreams Garden – Elmer and Banks Streets
Green Street Neighborhood Garden – Green and Bay Streets

Cambridgeport Community Gardens

Peggy Hayes Memorial Garden – Watson Street
Emily Garden – Brookline and Emily Streets

Area 4 Community Gardens

Squirrel Brand Community Garden – Broadway and Boardman Street
Moore Street Community Garden – Moore Street

Community Garden in East Cambridge

Costa Lopez Taylor Park Community Garden – Lopez Ave. and Charles Street

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  1. Katie


    I’d like to start composting and I live close to a community garden but don’t have a plot. Is it possible to drop off compost matter there?

    Agassiz Neighborhood

  2. Elizabeth Bolton

    Hi Katie,

    Your best bet would be to call or email Jennifer Wright at the Cambridge Conservation Commission. That’s the City dept. that oversees the community gardening program. The number there is 617-349-4680 or email is jwright@cambridgema.gov. Alternatively, the DPW facility at 147 Hampshire Street is now accepting material for compost. And they’ve got a book swap too – my favorite reason for going there.


  3. lee jenkins

    Hi, how do we sign up to get in the lottery for spots?I’m in Riverside. I can’t find any contact info for the gardens there. Thanks.

  4. Terry Kay Epperson

    Hello, I’m one of the coordinators for McMath Community Garden (in North Cambridge). Folks interested in signing up for our garden can contact us by visiting our garden – our e-mail address is posted at the bottom of the sign on our fence. Additionally, you can make requests at our facebook page (McMath Community Garden). We have a waiting list, but we try to keep the waiting period to one season. Cheers!

  5. aroosha mansuri

    How can I apply to get a plot in any Cambridge community garden? I live in the Agassiz neighborhood. Thank you!

  6. Marianne Harkless


    My husband and I would like to get a plot in the East Cambridge Community Garden. We live on Porter Street and just lost our back yard this year because our landlord is renovating the house behind ours. How can we reserve a spot?

    Marianne 857-615-8725

  7. Marianne Harkless


    My husband and I would like to get a plot in the East Cambridge Community Garden. We live on Porter Street and just lost our back yard this year because our landlord is renovating the house behind ours. How can we reserve a spot?


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