Centers And Squares
Welcome to Centers and Squares
As a Cambridge real estate agent, the city squares of Cambridge, Somerville and Medford and the town centers of Arlington, Watertown and Belmont, Massachusetts are my home turf. And as a lifelong New Englander who’s lived within twenty miles of Boston most of my life, I can introduce you to other nearby towns as we search for your new home. If you’re planning to sell your home in Cambridge, MA or nearby you’ll find plenty of info about the home selling process here too. Questions? Send me an email or call me at 617-504-1737.
READ – Cambridge Bumper Sticker
I love bumper stickers! If I wasn’t a real estate agent my temptation would be to cover my car with them – if only to cover up the scars and nicks on my bumper that result from the game of bumper cars that’s played on Cambridge streets. But bumper stickers are good for more than camouflage – they allow us to put a bit of our selves out there for all to see, to take a stance, make a proclamation.
In Cambridge the messages proclaimed on bumpers are varied and fascinating. While I’m out on Cambridge real estate tours or just out taking photographs (my new pursuit launched in an effort to spice up these pages) I can’t help but snap pictures of some of the bumper stickers I come across. So began the Bumper Sticker Seen Around Cambridge collection.

READ bumper sticker spotted in Cambridgeport
Reading happens to be one of my lifelong loves so I was tickled to spot this bumper sticker. Actually do you call these bumper stickers? These oval stickers, often with inscrutable acronyms, are a subset of sorts of traditional bumperstickers.
Like my last featured Don’t Litter bumpersticker this “READ” bumpersticker isn’t quite what it appears – or rather more than it appears. I chuckled when I noticed that it was on the truck of a painter with the last name Read. It was fun – and good marketing – since weeks later I still remembered his name despite my inability to remember names on most occasions.
And in the marvelous, serendipitous way of the internet I was able to find Nicholas Read’s painting website online. As luck would have it he does oil portraits of houses – and pets too. His website is really worth checking out – his work is beautiful and has a fun local angle as well. Read showcases some of his paintings of Cambridge and Somerville houses on his site. It’s a tough call – when I save up my money – do I get a painting of my house or of Champ my cat?
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